Monday, February 23, 2009

My Day...

In the morning there were lots of meetings with good people. Jon Sawyer the Dean of Students and I spoke a while about how we want to to be a part of our students' lives, to advocate for them and challenge them. We both believe that love doesn't always mean saying "yes." Jeff Ossinger and I had a conference call with the Director of Camp St. Charles and discussed the retreat fees for next year. We spent almost the entire afternoon trying to choose the Student Ministers for next year. There were lots of good candidates and that's why it simply took so long. I am very grateful to everyone who took the time to apply.

In the evening Nick Berg the Resident Minister in Opus Hall (CUA's new Residence Hall) set up the very first room blessings. A number of students posted little notes on their doors asking to have their room blessed. We were very warmly recieved in every room we entered. When I finally finished I went over to see the kids in Spellman or Spellheaven as I call it. There are always fun to be with. I finally ended up at home.. along the way while blessing the rooms in Opus Hall I happened to notice a coffee table in one of the Rooms and it caught my eye.
Present on that table were lots of things that are important to young adults in college. I was happy that God's word was right in the middle of them. I asked the resident if I could take a picture and he said sure... (I trust the residents in the room were 21).... take a look for yourself.

1 comment:

CenzLuBellsMom said...

i LOVE this picture!! college life at its best! Having fun, but keeping the real matters in mind! LOL!!! It's all about finding balance.