Friday, June 25, 2010

From the Monastery of the Genesee

I found this poem in a book I'm reading on retreat and thought I would share it with you...

Anoint the wounds
of my spirit
with the balm
of forgiveness
pour the oil
of your calm
on the waters of my heart

take the squeal
of frustration
from the wheels
of my passion
that the power
of your tenderness
may smooth
the way I love

that the tedium
of giving
in the risk of surrender
and the reaching
out naked to a world
that must wound

may be kindled
fresh daily
to a blaze
of compassion
that the grain
may fall gladly
to burst in the ground
- and the harvest abound

Dom Ralph White, 'Messiah'
as found in "The Coming of God" by Maria Boulding page 125

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