Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today I spoke at our (CUA's) last Open House of the year I've been doing it for years.. When I walked over I was happy to find the Great Room in the Pryz filled to capacity. There was standing room only and not much of it.

When I see that level of participation it is a wonderful consolation to me. It shows me that the word is out and that people understand that that CUA is indeed a very special place. That level of interest is a credit to our academic programs and the quality of life "campus life" as we call it here at The Catholic University of America. It is also a credit to our students who are always our best ambassadors. I consider it a priviledge to experience such a vote of confidence. If you ever attended a CUA Open House and heard me speak then you hear that I had to say this morning. I have never changed that talk and know it by heart. Why fix it when it is not broken...

The Catholic University of America a great place to consider... at least they think so.

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