Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Components of a Good Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry must be a mainstream part of the campus culture - Everyone has permission to participate

  1. The net has to be as wide as possible with a variety of worship styles and activities.
  2. There has to be a mainstream Student and Professional Staff who are able to relate to the largest number of people.

Faithful Model Communion

  1. Recruit staff who love the Church
  2. There cannot be any second agendas
  3. Go out of our way to model faithfulness by complying with guidelines of the Church
  4. Do all of this because it is just the right thing to do.

Top down Spirituality - Always begin with prayer

  1. Liturgy / Prayer / Bible Study
  2. Always begin with deepening a person’s spirituality
  3. Bring the sacraments to them Confessions in the Residence Hall are great ! Jesus did not wait for people to come to them. He went to them
  4. Spiritual component in everything we do

The Ministry must be relationship based with programming

Some of our Programs

  1. Retreats
  2. Friday Nights
  3. Community Service Initiatives
  4. Pro-life Activities
  5. Chastity Outreach
  6. Liturgical Ministries (Over two hundred)
  7. Community Service
  8. DC Reads

But there also has to be Ministry of Presence (Mop )

  1. Presence in our Residence Halls
  2. Presence in our Student Restaurant
  3. Presence at our Games / Plays / Library
  4. Presence where our students study ie the Architecture Building

Spirituality Based Groups Provide faith based programs where a diversity of students can share their faith.

  1. Esto Vir a Men's Group
  2. Gratia Plena a Women's Group
  3. Men’s Discernment
  4. Women’s Discernment
  5. Servi Advocatique a Nursing Spirituality Groups
  6. Knights of Columbus a Men's Group
  7. Renew Reflection groups and Bible study

There should always be a Service / Justice Component

  1. Our students are idealistic
  2. We need to show them that there is a possibility to live faith

Patience – Building a vibrant Campus Ministry takes years – Think long Range

What the future could hold for us at CUA....

Continuing integration in to Academic Community with discipline related spirituality groups

  1. Servi Advocatique (our New Nursing Spirituality Group)
  2. Education
  3. Music
  4. Social Work etc

Programs for Staff

  1. Catholic 101
  2. Renew Groups

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